As a movie-to-musical adaptation, "Rock of Ages" captured the hearts of spectators worldwide. Responsible for staffing crucial technical positions on the musical's tour, MCA played a focal role in ensuring a unique experience for the audience.
The production blends the classic rock anthems of the '80s with a vibrant and humorous storyline. The transition to the Broadway stage elevated the experience, turning it into a Tony Award-nominated sensation. Behind the scenes, the success of the tour owes much to the technical expertise provided by MCA. As the driving force behind the technical production crew for the musical's tour, MCA assembled an advanced team to manage the intricate technical aspects of the show.

MCA's contributions extended to crucial roles such as sound system engineers, light front-of-house operators, light system technicians, riggers, stagehands, and follow spot operators. Their involvement in pre-production and rehearsals ensured a harmonious execution of the musical in diverse settings. Throughout the tour, "Rock of Ages" took the stage nearly 60 times, gracing iconic venues across Germany and Austria. The production left an indelible mark on renowned stages like Stadthalle Vienna, Munich's Deutsches Theater and Admiral Palast Berlin, enchanting audiences with a nostalgic journey through the golden era of rock.